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Monday Blessings: Monday Morning Blessings with an Irish Flair

Monday mornings can be hard. Words of encouragement can help set the right mood for not only the day, but the week ahead. 

Begin the week with an Irish good morning blessing to get it off to a great start!

Irish blessings are messages of goodwill that are shared with friends, family and acquaintances for all sorts of occasions. 

They are a big part of Irish culture and are woven into people’s daily lives. 

These blessings aim to help to support, reassure and guide those who need a little extra help. 

Perhaps you need some inspiring words for some aspect of your life on this Monday morning. The same could be said for a loved one or someone else who you know. 

I pick a blessing to focus on each day. This helps me to keep a positive mindset throughout the day and be prepared for whatever ups and downs may be ahead. 

Try it, perhaps it will help you too!

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Monday Blessings

A quite, idyllic corner on the Dingle Peninsual in Ireland.
A quite, idyllic corner on the Dingle Peninsual in Ireland. (Photo: Lukasz Pajor via Shutterstock, text added via

Blessings can help set a positive tone for the week. 

Find one that resonates with you and try to get your week off to a flying start.

May God safely guard your every step,
Lest you stumble.

A serene sky be over the things you love,
And dark clouds may never cross your path.

May everyday bring you bright,
Cheerful hours that will stay with you all the year.

Fun Fact to Start the Day: 

“Dé Luain” is the Irish for Monday. It comes from the Latin for moon, which is Luna. 

Good Morning Monday Blessings

A small coastal cottage in County Meath, Ireland.
A small coastal cottage in County Meath, Ireland. (Photo: KarlM Photography via Shutterstock, text aded via Canva)

On Monday mornings we sometimes need a bit of a kick start.  After the weekend, it can be a challenge to get back into the weekly routine again. 

By focusing on the simple meaning of these Monday morning blessings, the challenges of the new week may not feel so daunting. 

(You can also think bigger and apply this idea at the start of a new month or year.)

Tip: Write down your favorite blessing on a Sunday night and place it somewhere that you will see it when you wake up to a beautiful Monday morning. 

This will help you get focused on the right mindset for the day ahead. 

Your attitude can be influenced by your good morning blessing mantra. 

Let one of these Irish blessings help you get your Monday morning off to the right foot!

May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks,
May your heart be as light as a song,
May each day bring you bright, happy hours,
That stay with you all the year long.

May your neighbors respect you,
Troubles neglect you,
The angels protect you,
And Heaven accept you

Positive Good Morning Monday Blessings

An old stone bridge in Killarney, Ireland.
An old stone bridge in Killarney, Ireland. (Photo: Pierre Leclerc via Shutterstock, text added via Canva)

Happy Monday Morning!

Begin each new day with a positive attitude and it will really influence how you feel throughout the day. 

As Monday is the start of a new week, this strategy is particularly useful to keep in mind. 

Take the time to reflect on the words in your chosen positive Monday blessings or Monday quotes when you feel the need to throughout the whole day. 

Perhaps you can try to do one small positive deed today, either for yourself or someone else.

The Irish are known for their quick wit and humor. This is reflected in their uplifting blessings filled with positivity. 

Take time to play,
It is the secret of eternal youth.

May you take time to celebrate the silent wonders
That have no admirers in the noisy world.

May the face of every good news
And the back of every bad news
Be toward us.

Inspirational Good Morning Monday Blessings

A boardwalk path in Ballycroy National Park in Ireland.
A boardwalk path in Ballycroy National Park in Ireland. (Photo: Alexander Narraina via Shutterstock, text added via

We all face challenges from time to time. Hearing inspirational words and morning quotes can help motivate us to achieve our dreams.

Use this beautiful Monday to bring yourself one step closer to your goals, whatever they may be. 

Here are some Irish inspirational Monday Blessings to help you on your journey.

May there be no wasted days in your life,
But many that you give to others.

May every work turn into a blessing,
But every blessing turn into a step on the stairs to paradise.

May you find the right road
That leads you to your destination.

Blessed Monday Morning

A scenic route through the Iveragh Peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland.
A scenic route through the Iveragh Peninsula in County Kerry, Ireland. (Photo: Joe Dunckley via Shutterstock, text added via

Each day is precious (this also includes Monday mornings no matter how hard it is to get out of bed!). 

Try to focus on the good things in each blessed day and blessed week ahead. 

We can remind ourselves to be grateful for the blessings Monday gives us.

May the saints bless and protect you today
And may problems keep away from you every step of your way.

May God’s blessings always accompany your journey.

May the Irish hills caress you.
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you. 

Happy Monday Blessings to Share

Why not share these good day wishes and send them to your loved ones? 

There is a lot of joy in sharing a small positive thought with someone you care about.

They too could benefit from these happy Monday morning greetings! 

These morning messages are particularly apt if you have friends and family with an interest in Ireland or Irish heritage.

Other articles related to Irish Blessings that might interest you include:

We would like to wish you a wonderful day and a great week!